What is Vicinity Motor Corp stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol: VEV and TSXV under the symbol: VMC
Where and when was Vicinity Motor Corp incorporated?
Vicinity Motor Corp. was incorporated in the British Columbia, Canada in 2012
When did Vicinity Motor Corp become a public company?
Vicinity Motor Corp. Initial Public Offering was on December 19, 2013
Where is Vicinity Motor Corp located?
3168 262nd Street
Aldergrove, BC
Canada V4W 2Z6
When is Vicinity Motor Corp fiscal year end?
Vicinity Motor Corp. fiscal year ends on December 31st
Who is Vicinity Motor Corp outside legal counsel?
Miller Thomson LLP
400 – 725 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1G5
Who is Vicinity Motor Corp Auditors / Accounting firm?
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
250 Howe Street
Suite 700
Vancouver, BC V6C 3S7
Who is Vicinity Motor Corp Transfer Agent?
Computershare Canada
1500 Robert Bourassa boulevard
7th Floor
Montreal, QC H3A 3S8
+1 514 982-7502
Who is the contact for Investor Relations at Vicinity Motor Corp.?
Lucas A. Zimmerman
MZ Group – MZ North America
[email protected]